David Allen 4-goal professional Justo Mourino 3-goal professional, as Dave Allen Polo, are looking for a groom to help get the ponies fit over the next two months at their yard where they, as professional polo players, they offer polo tuition, Full polo livery. Polo training and schooling for young horses and have a polo and/or equine management consultancy.
Their ponies are kept at Fossehill Farm which is the home of the Royal Agricultural University equine enterprise, situated in glorious Cotswold countryside and within easy reach of the main university campus. With Dr Kate Gandee at its helm, the yard has evolved into a successful commercial unit providing DIY polo and livery facilities, as well as supporting important academic research.
The stables set out in 8 barns ranging in size from 3 to 31 stables. The barns have been designed to allow good working undercover conditions and are light and airy. The impressive new outdoor arena and the 1km all-weather 5m wide track are great assets.
The polo yard opened in 2006 and had a very busy season with over 100 horses in the first year. It is the only independent DIY polo yard in the area and is well established in the polo world. Every year, Fossehill now welcomes back a number of local and international polo players, requiring high quality facilities for more than 70 polo ponies.
Each winter, the equine centre at Fossehill Farm houses around 45 horses, including permanent DIY liveries, overwintering polo ponies, students horses from the university and the occasional weekend stay. The student horses come from a variety of disciplines within the equine world, from happy hackers to point to point.
The RAU have invested heavily in Fossehill Farm, with the recent construction of the 60 x 30m outdoor arena and its top of the range Martin Collins surface. This facility will allow Fossehill to extend its polo season as it will provide an area for practice for arena polo. The outdoor arena is also available for use by the livery clients. We are looking forward to running clinics with outside trainers from a variety of disciplines.
Fossehill has always run scientific projects for both commercial companies and students and for years had a group of 24 Dartmoor ponies which were available for projects. Each year, a number of students use the facilities for their final year and masters dissertations and having Dr Kate Gandee on site to advise and provide horses has proved to be very useful. The farm is often used for practical equine lectures.
Sounds like a very interesting place to work.