Looking for a Classy Event Horse or Hunter – every mothers dream
Dependable and talented handsome grey gelding looking for a new home on Horse Scout. Described as a wonderful hunter and scope event horse his owners are convinced he has the escape to progress to 1* eventing. He has been a super rider to date but is very much under used due to school commitments.
This fabulous hunter who has impeccable manners on the field is called Huntingfield Rebel by Glenagyle Rebel – a qualityIrish Draft gelding 8 yrs. an described at 100% to do in every way. “Tommy” has done all pony club and BE 90. His BE record to date proves his competitiveness with plenty of scope to move up the levels . He three very good paces which the judges always find appealing.
Working well at home he is a careful jumper with a scope jump. This is a great opportunity for a teenager or mother daughter combination wanting to progress up the ranks This adaptable horse lives in or out and is the envy of the yard where he is at livery.
This opportunity is listed on Horse Scout and is bound to get snapped up very quickly now the hunting season is upon us. Use this link to access his For Sale profile on Horse Scout