Grafenstolz – Top Quality stallion at stud
Grafenstolz at listed on Select Stallions Profile has a biography as long as your arm. Standing for a very reasonable €900.00 he represents excellent value. He is certainly a very popular stallion with Horse Scout s profiled professional producers. He has five offspring listed on the Horse Scout for sale pages.
About the stallion at stud Grafenstolz
Awarded premium status by the Trakehner Verband. In 2000, as a two year old campaigning in both show jumping, eventing and dressage arena Grafenstolz become the first horse ever to qualify for the finals of the stallion testing in jumping, eventing and dressage all in the same year as a 6 year old. Proving his breeding versatility. He later, in the same year proved himself again by winning the World Championships for young event horses in france and then as a seven year old wining his first advanced event. He went on to win bronze at eight in the Gernam championships and was placed twice at international 3* competitions also winning a 2*. Being awarded his verband status in 2006. He continued to event successfully but also made ripples in the show jumping arena with his fantastic puissance attempt clearing 2 meters (just under 7 feet). As if this was not enough he then took to the Dressage circuit achieving 69% and winning his first Grand Prix!
You can link to the Grafenstolz Stallion at Stud profile page here.
HIs first UK crop took top Elite scores including an all time record in 2010, with an average of High First Premium he has to be anyones choice for top class competition genetics. Of ten finalists that year five young horses where by Grafenstolz, he followed this the next year again breaking the record for Elite scores.
Grafenstolz stamps his progeny with superb good looks, athleticism and the best movement – indeed indeed Select Stallions endorse his stock as “picture perfect copies of their father”
Connections to Grafenstolz on Horse Scouts Horses for Sale listings and in our professionals profiled pages.
In Yorkshire there is On N Over, who has bred her own foal. Described as working well on the flat and showing an excellent technique over a fence, Jolyse Bell-Syer, her producer in North Yorkshire says her grid work, is true and she happily tackles courses and even more tricky questions such as skinnies and corners. Described as having an excellent attitude to her work and a lovely horse to handle and work with she is marketed at £10,000.
Produced by Jolyse Bell-Syer rrofessional event rider and producer based in N. Yorks
Another attractive Grafenholz youngster also born in 2013 is the British Sports Horse Stx Treacle Toffee. As can be seen from his profile picture he is compact and powerful, Vicky Laing his producer describes him as kind natured and good to do and a comfortable ride with good easy paces. A perfect prospect for British Young Event Horse with an eye to an eventing career.
Visit Stx treacle Toffee’s Horses for Sale on Horse scout Profile by using this link
A younger 16.2hh 3 year old by Grafenholz, Faerie Mikado is also listed on Horse Scouts Horses for Sale pages, she is well handled and described as bred to event with a dam by Mayhill and is for sale through Trisha Rickards who also has a Royaldik 3 year old for sale too listed on Horse Scout.
These are all lovely horses for sale but Grafenstolz offspring are also proudly listed by their campaigners and Charlotte Agnew based on Gloucestershire also has a very good-looking Grafenholz gelding who is now 7. Use this link to find out more about this lovely horse.
Grafenstolz is also listed at stud with The Stallion Company here