Are you a professional rider on the move?
Availability for a professional rider to join Lucinda Fredericks Yard from May 2015 to rent 6 – 10 boxes near Devises. Opportunities for tuition from Lucinda. Other professionals on site at Rosegarth include:
Oliver Smith (GB) Emily Young-Jamieson (GB) Thomas Heffernan Ho (HK) Nicole Pearson (HK)
As you would expect, it is a yard with great facilities which include :
- 30 m x 60m outdoor school,
- 24hr onsite supervision
- Designated lorry parking
- Excellent off-road hacking
- Under cover horse walker
- Hot water washdown & Solarium
- Individual turn out
- Lunge Pen/ Separate school
- Mirrors around school
- Non-individual paddock turn out
- Onsite communal tea & coffee facility
- Onsite shower & changing rooms
- stabling with rubber matting,
- lunge pen,
- rower and rub show jumps,
- gated access
- an alarmed tack room
- full onsite security system.
- superb on and off road hacking
To find out more click through to Lucinda Fredericks page on Horse Scout