Velini, a star already making his presence felt in the competitive arena, is an AES Elite Stallion standing for Select Stallions. Velini is a testament to British Breeding and his future looks set as a top performance horse. Velini had his first outing of the 2015 season with Michael Whitaker at Jumping Amsterdam, and what a start to the season he had finishing 2nd in the 6 Bar. He showed his enviable scope and fantastic attitude in front of a packed Saturday night crowd in the Dutch arena. Following this Velini flew on to Doha where he had two great rounds with Michael and took second in the 1.45m on the first day and in the table C at 1.45m but still took a credible 13th place having rolled a pole. “We were so impressed watching this class and Velini showed real class, it’s easy to see why Michael thinks so highly of him” said his owners Select Stallions.
Horse Scouts’ Stallion listings are a good starting point to contact his owners who say that Velini passes scope and athleticism to his offspring and combining this with his fantastic attitude makes him a top choice for your mare this season.
Velinis breeding tree on his Horse Scout lisitng is truncated but Velini’s pedigree is like a who’s who of show jumping with his entire line proven at the top level. Here is a short list of just some of his Grand Prix relations:
His Grandmother Paulien II (KWPN 1997 bay mare by Koriander) level 1.60m
His other Grandmother Fleur Z (Holstien by romino SJ level 1.60m)
His Aunt Uceline (Athina Onassis)
Velini’s great grandmother, Finesse (CDI 5* dressage and 5* Show Jumping with Emile Hendrix)
Velini’s sire, Cheers Cassini jumping at Grand Prix for both Danish and German riders
At only 8 years old he jumped a clear round in the 1.60m Grand Prix at the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup in Barcelona ridden by Michael Whitaker.
I rode Velinis grandmother in many Grand Prix around the world, I hope to win some on Velini to. He has unbelievable talent, and is a star for the future.
Micheal Whitaker
His breeding has not only Voltaire but also Cor De La Breyere but also Ramiro Z.
Select Satllions have five other top class stallions listed on Horse Scout, including Cornet Oblinsky, who is also having a good start to his jumping season, as well as Diament de Semilly on www.horsescout.co.uk
You can find Velini’s personal profile page on Horse Scout here: