If you plan to ride as a sport you will definitely be seeing the term ‘Warmblood”. Why buy a warmblood breed? Excellent for riding due to their confirmation the warm blooded breeds were created when warriors returned to Europe from the Middle East and Africa with hot blooded Arabian horses captured in battle. Bred for 100‘s of years to strict “specifications” the breeds have a particular stamp and steady temperament and are, generally, easy to do.
A Bit of History!
Breeding the large, heavy war horses of northern Europe with the lighter, faster and fiery tempered hot bloods from the Mongolian steppes created horse breeds that combine the quickness and agility of race horses with the larger build and milder temperament of cold bloods. Over time, the draft horses of Europe were increasingly bred with hot blooded imports, creating the forerunners of dozens of breeds in existence today. Warmbloods have smaller heads and bodies than draft horses and tend to be less excitable than hot blooded horses, making them good all-round horses for riding and light work and yet with the abilities of elite athletes for the Olympic sporting events.
To ensure that breed criteria and standards are still met for warm blood breeds the UK has its own breed society standard grading matrix. Since 1982 the British Warm-Blood Society, now the Warmblood Breeders Studbook – UK, has been operating a Mare Grading scheme and the Mare Grading will form part of the two-day WBS Breed Show. The introduction of the Mare Grading scheme means that only graded mares are eligible for the BWBS Stud Book, which has three separate sections as follows:
- SELECT STUD BOOK – must have three generations of fully pedigreed and graded warmblood parents(i.e. Pink Papers).
- MAIN STUD BOOK MARES: must have at least one graded parent and a full verified pedigree for three generations on both sides ( i.e. pink or some white papered mares).
- PERMANENT BREEDING REGISTER MARES: must have one graded and recognized parent.
All foals sired by WBS graded Stallions are eligible for registration and white papers, but mares only enter the Stud Book only after successfully attending Grading.
Since 1983 only foals with two graded parents and three full BWBS/WBS recognised generations can receive pink papers.
For the competitor Horse Scout has a few British Warmbloods listed with Professional event rider and dressage rider Wayne Garrick who has ridden at 3* international and Advanced medium level dressage. He is currently breaking and producing young horses along side running the competition horses. Two of which are:
Hillgrounds Movinda for £15,000 an eye catching 16hds dark bay mare rising 5 by T Movistar X Don Premaire. This incredibly eye catching mare has three uphill paces, correct confirmation and a trainable nature. Super young horse ready to start her competition career.
Diamonique Dancer £14,000 Gorgeous 16.2hds 5 year old bay mare by Sandros Dancer X Dimaggio x Pik Trumpf. 3 correct and exuberant paces. Professionally schooled and being slowly produced to allow time to mature. Has been out to unaff. competitions and has proven to be well behaved and well liked in the arena by the judges. Hacks alone or in company and jumps too. As with any horse with lots of scope and potential she is not a novice ride.
With Carron Roberts Equestrian we have:
Cookie a 16.2 British Warmblood x TB Bay Mare, just turned 5. Won & placed Combined Training, Double Clear at first unaffiliated ODE, Won and placed unaffiliated Dressage and Clear at WWEC Hunter Trial.She has super balanced and elevated paces with a bold scopey jump. And to top her off she has a super temperament and wants to learn and please you as a rider. Will happily stand on the lorry alone and with company and is easy to do at competitions. Hacks out alone and in company. She loves people, this horse is easy enough for a good amateur but talented enough for a professional. NO vices. Based at a professional yard since a foal so has been produced and handled correctly, competed by one of our talented working pupils.
In Southampton there is a super 17hh dark bay young horse who would be a great prospect for young horse classes 2015.He is tall but elegant with three quality paces and his owners think he is sure to make a top dressage horse.