Oliver Townends’ interview with Lee Sobort, the equestrian correspondent for the Yorkshire post reassured his fans on his aims and ambitions for the 2014 event season following the serious injury to his shoulder at the end of 2013. Then Townsend insisted its not ‘If’ its ‘When’ and to prove a point he has had a fantastic season clocking up some 480 rides and and 1556 points is the BE 2014 number 1 ranking rider and as if this is not enough he is also the FEI World Eventing Athlete Rankings number 4 and Eventing Zone Rankings number 3.!.
He says he’s “Got the horse power and the support” and is looking to adding millage to his horses in the 2015 season. He is confident of a good start on Armarda at Burgham at the end of March and is looking forward to a strong Badminton in May.
He is set to start his season with five rides at Aston-Le-Walls on the 1st of March so we all wish him the best for a successful 2015 season …. and his thousands of fans rooting far and beyond into the all important 2016 Event in Rio
His super converted dairy farm in Shropshire has everything on hand for training horses from his 46 box yard. He always has stock for sale from young stock up to 3* and 4* horses.
Becoming one of Oliver Townends’ owners is a chance to become involved in an exciting sport following a top talented rider. As an owner you can expect not only a very professional relationship but Townend aims to give his owners the best attention. He says “Eventing is our business, but it should also be fun and we like to consider our owners as friends too”