Warning Signs – What is equine atypical myopathy?

Ever heard of EAM?  I hadn’t until I was alerted to it on social media this week as there’s been lots of discussion about it.  Want to know more about this fatal equine disease, then read what I’ve found out about it so far… What is it? Equine Atypical Myopathy, or EAM as it is […]

Cool canter? – Warming up and early canter work.

Make sure you can see the light – a cool canter with the Christop Hess clinic tip The classical canter seat in dressage and when schooling is to site into the horse with hips aligned to the hips of the horse and the shoulders to the horses shoulders, thus advancing the stride with a asymmetric contact […]

For ever on the road – John Treagood

As I drove home yesterday I saw John’s Wagon on the roundabout outside Exeter.  His camp was looking untidy and he was no where to be seen, nor his horse, Gildor.  I have spotted John and his raggle taggle band around the place in Devon for years.  I was wondering what was up and when […]

Keep those Show Jumps Standing- 7 steps to jump a perfect round.

To jump a horse successfully a rider can break each stage in the process down into seven separate steps. the seven stages need to be ridden accurately. With the rider remaining in balance and able to help the horse both before during and after the jump. The 7 stages to jumping: 1. Turn. 2. Approach. […]

Top Tips for a well structured Warm Up routine (part three)

Have you been reading my blogs on warming up.  By now you are well on the way to having a warmed up horse and now you’re warm, loose and breathing more heavily – At least your horse is! Your horse is loose and warm and flexible and now you want to engage his brain and for him […]

New to our lists – Berry’s Farm Livery

Horse Scout is growing!.  Every day it has new professionals adding their profiles to our lists.  If you are looking for livery near Norwich then here  is Berry’s Farm Livery. Berries Farm Liveries is situated on the outskirts of the small village of Hevingham in Norfolk – seven miles from Norwich and just four miles […]

Professional Profile – Alison Kenward

Looking for a Clinic in Oxfordshire? – Alison Kenward Alison Kenward is a trainer and professional competition rider based in Oxfordshire. She competes her horses Roughway Jack at medium and advanced medium level. Alison is a BHS Stable Manager, Intermediate Instructor and UKCC 3 coach. A professional Trainer she has 21 years of experience helping […]

Anglo Arabs – French Relations…but no politics!

Allo Allo Allo! The Anglo-Arab Story owes much to the French What breed is the third oldest breed in the world? it is the Anglo-Arabian horse! An Anglo-Arabian is a horse consisting of any combination of Arabian and Thoroughbred lineage, with no more than 75% nor less than 25% Arabian blood. As a type description […]

Feeling Good?- how to develop that all important eureka factor -“Feel”

Feeling Good?- how to develop that all important eureka factor. Training with ‘Feel’ ‘Feel’ is something that cannot be explained easily because each rider’s perception is likely to differ from another’s understanding of that feeling. For that reason, a training approach and exercises that teach riders the ‘feel’ for balance and thoroughness should be part […]