Retraining of Racehorses National Recognition Awards 2015 – Find a supporter in the Dragons Den and from a stable of professional show jumpers listed with Horse Scout.
Do you own are ore you thinking of taking on an ex racehorse and your area of interest is showjumping?
Horse scout has some epic professional show jumpers on its professional profiles page, Many of whom are experienced with rehabilitation techniques and would certainly be worth calling up if you would like to give this RoR scheme a go with your retired racehorse.
You would be in good company Deborah Meadon owns six horses – four of them retired ex-racehorses – and rides twice a day, four days a week. “I love riding and the challenges that horses bring,” she said. “There’s something very special about being around them.” She is an ambassador for the British Equestrian Federation’s Hoof project, which aims to get more people riding,
The entrepreneur told her audience at the recent BETA Trade Fair NEC, Birmingham, that her parents had not been able to afford to buy a horse when she was a child. “So I used to ride ponies on Minehead seafront,” she said. “In return for walking up and down with them, I was allowed to ride them back to the stable at night. My childhood dream was to be a showjumper.”
The British Showjumping Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) National Recognition Awards provide a focus for ex-racehorses that have started Showjumping with the national governing body. The Awards are open to those owners and riders of retrained racehorses that are registered with both British Showjumping and RoR.
A cash award will be given to the owners of the six highest graded horses that have been awarded the highest number of points during the twelve month period between 1st October 2014 and 30th September 2015 and the cash awards are broken down as follows: 1st – £2,500, 2nd – £500, 3rd – £500, 4th – £500, 5th – £500 and 6th – £500. To ensure as many retrained horses are given the opportunity of being recognised and encouraged to compete within a new discipline, previous title holders are not eligible for future consideration.
The previous winners are:
2010 – Emily Morris & Zolushka
2011 – Nicola Braidwood & Vite Etoile
2012 – Kathryn Ellison & Quel Ange
2013 – Isabelle Tomkins & Tanktastic
2014 – Jo Fulcher & Captain Willoughby
For further information about British Showjumping and the Retraining of Racehorses Recognition Awards, please contact the British Showjumping Membership Department on 02476 698824. To register your horse with Retraining of Racehorses please do so online by visiting www.ror.org.uk. ROR also has awards in Dressage, Eventing and showing.
Here are just some of the professionals who have taken advantage of free profiles on Horse scouts pages and if you are looking for a top trainer in your area click on their names to find out more.
Craig Hills – Basingstoke , Hampshire
Laura Jackson – warwickshire
Remy Ellis – Romsey, Hampshire
Ben Thomas – Suckley, Worcestershire
Harrison Polley – Maresfield, Ea
William Plunkett – Horsham, West Sussex
Ricki Hill – Benfleet, Essex