Tag Archives: competition horses

Looking at Eventers?


New String to your Bow for the season

Eventing in mind – Looking for something special?

Have a look at Rosco, Sallybog Tim or Derroe Champ

Horse Scout has got some great prospects for the coming season.  If you are looking for a new ride for the new season scroll through the lovely horses posted here.  If you are looking for something young and ready to go have a look at Rosco Aaron Millars’ latest good looking grey Irish Sports horse which has competed in the Stepping Stones League in Ireland (equivalent to BYEH). He was placed in the finals with fences at 1.10m. Rosco has three lovely paces and does a very smart test. Great attitude, eager to learn and quick on his feet. Exceptionally neat jumping technique, real scope. Very kind natured on the ground, lovely to handle. He is now ready to go on and realise his potential with someone who can really enjoy his considerable talent and great temperament and would make a super all rounder.  In fact a great Mother Daughter combination. Born in 2009 he is still young but he is now ready to affiliate he’s ready to affiliate.  He can be seen in Dorset.

Perhaps you would prefer something a little older? Then have a look at the lovely Sallybog Tim who would make a great schoolmaster with the experience he has got under his belt.  A nice looking BE Intermediate Novice with points. Working at BD medium and handy to hunt, hack and ready to compete. A great all rounder.  He can be seen in Hampshire.

Or are you looking for something smaller.  There is a cracking looking pony called Connemara Derroe Champ based over in Ireland who has done everything and who at 14.2hh is just waiting to be a perfect gentleman on the cross country course for a lucky small person.


Professional Profile – Lucinda Fredericks


Eventing Olympian Lucinda Fredericks is an international trainer and travels extensively to give clinics and demonstrations as well as hosting training sessions at her own venue, Rosegarth, near Devizes view her Horse Scout Profile HERE!

How special would it be to buy the rider in your life a gift voucher for a private session with Lucinda Fredericks?

Her schedule for clinics for this year shows that she is in Hong Kong  at the end of a five day marathon of 5 days clinics and training out there.  As an official trainer of the Hong Kong Event Team, who took Bronze at the Eventing in the  17th Asian Games in 2014 (well done them!) On this trip she has been training the riders on horses which are retired from the Hong Kong Racing Circuit and she says how proud she was of the young racehorses retraining at her clinic (yesterday) in Teun Mun as they jump happily over 110m. And at this moment (according to her Facebook profile) she is putting a very handsome chestnut retiree through its paces over some XC jumps at Beas River Equestrian Centre.

Her experience and support of the Retraining of Reacehorses was also demonstrated at the The Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre  near Preston who have some fantastic pictures, taken by Trevor Holt and Ashley Stewart of a demonstration she hosted to a crowd of around 300 people in April – the event raised around £3,000 for the TRC.

With so many awards for Retraining of  Racehorses perhaps a group of individual training session with Lucinda on your own retired racehorse would help you along the way to one of the awards being offered by ROR Grassroots Eventing Series for 2015

There may be time to book places at the clinic at Charlotte Wadley Equestrian, Painswick, on the 7th February . (Individual spaces cost £60 + VAT (within a group of 4). Alternatively you can contact Lucinda’s team through Horse Scout to arrange for a session at her training centre.

She is holding clinics in February in  Holland  and Dorset, March in Berkshire and then she is back out to Hong Kong at the beginning of April

If you cant wait that long to see Lucinda then she will be talking about her Olympic experiences with Headley Britannia and Flying Finish, at the Equine Client Meeting in Frome at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 25th February being orgainised by Garston vets.



Only 6 weeks until Iselham kicks off the 2015 BE Season


Only 6 weeks until Iselham kicks off the 2015 BE Season

How about 11 Taekwondo Routines To Strengthen The Lower Body

With riders looking at fitness regimes for their horses perhaps its time to consider changing that out of bed straight to the coffee machine for some Zen lower body strengthening ready to push forward in the rankings in next seasons sporting schedule.

How many of us just crawl out of bed and try to untie ourselves with a bit of a stretch or bend as we drink that first cup of coffee?  As Horse’men we need to take care of our bodies as they are 100% involved in how well we function both on and off a horse.

Lower body is always prone to injuries and muscle pulls. This part is worked out mostly. While riding, mucking out, moving feed bales around, in fact much of our horse related activities involve bending, lifting and employing the lower half of our bodies and the lower back is particularly vulnerable, and the area most abused by incorrect lifting and poor posture when off the horse.  Its interesting how many riders can have good posture on top of a horse but walk with poking heads and rounded shoulders on the ground. It is also this portion that helps in balancing the entire body. Having a strong lower part helps a person in staying fit and flexible.

Lower backs are very prone to injuries and unnecessary pains. While sleeping, we can hurt our lower back. While climbing the stairs, we can hurt the lower back. But the chances are higher while we try to pull or carry those show jump wings or one too many haynets around.

Unless we have a strong lower back, it may well get seriously injured while doing our jobs and taking some time out to mitigate the risks by strengthening this vulnerable area can only make sense.  On the plus side if your are groaning by now! Is the added benefit of being more aware of your own body and it follows that this awareness will help you feel how your own movement is affecting your horses way of going.  A strong lower body does not mean you need to ride strongly it means that you will have more control and therefore be more proactive in engaging your horse and influencing his way of going.

Performing some basic stretches can help in strengthening the lower back region. There are several Taekwondo stretch routines that can be included in your daily fitness regime to put more stability in the lower back region. Have a look at 11 of the best lower back Taekwondo stretches to strengthen your lower back. (please take care when new forms of exercise, read through all recommendations associated each exercise before starting and take note of any recommended precautions)

1.         Supine Hamstring Taekwondo Stretch

Lie flat down on the floor with the back touching it. It will be better if there is a rubber mat placed over the empty floor surface. This will offer for a more comfortable feel after lying down on your back. However, you should lie down in such a way that the legs can rest on the wall while raised in a straighter manner.

Bend one of your leg with feet flatly placed on the ground. The other leg needs to be raised up in the straightest position possible. This leg needs to be rested on the wall to prevent falling down. Now, with both your hands, try to touch the feet or calf region. Remember, not to raise major portion of your upper body. Your abdominal muscles need to be engaged in such a manner that it can stabilise the spinal cord perfectly.

Hold for at least 10 seconds. Then, relax. After 30 seconds rest, repeat.


Never try to put higher pressure on your spinal cord while touching the feet or calf region. Putting too much pressure can lead to injuring the lower back.

2.         Seated Hamstring Stretch

To perform this stretching exercise, place a rubber mat on the floor. Then, sit on the mat. Legs should be in a stretched position with knees absolutely straight. Also, keep your back straight.

Now, with both the hands, try to touch the toe. During the initial days, you will not be able to touch or hold the toe for long. However, the main objective is to get your hand fingers closer to the toe, as much possible. This will generate enormous stretch to the hamstring muscle. While your hand fingers come to the closest position to toe, pause for a second or two. Then, return back to the starting position.

Repetitions: 10

Precaution: Don’t force your lower back too much while performing this stretching exercise. Obviously, a little force will be required while trying to touch the toe, but that should be marginal. Giving too much pressure to the lower back can cause unnecessary injury.

3.         Standing Hamstring Stretch

This is a fine stretching exercise not only for the hamstrings but also lower back portion.


Stand straight. Now, bring your right foot in front of the left foot. Right toe should be in lifted position. There should be 4-5 inches width in between the two feet. Bend you left knee marginally and then pull your abs gently inward. Lean forward and then rest both the palms on top of the left thigh. This is required to keep your body well supported and maintain a proper balance.

Shoulders should be down and in an absolute relaxed position. Never try to round the lower back region. A mild stretching pull can be felt that will slowly spread through back of the leg. Repeat this stretching exercise with your left leg forward.

Repetitions: 10 per leg


Those who are suffering from lower back injuries/pain, they can perform this exercise while lying down on the back over a floor mat, while extending legs upward.

4.         Kneeling Quadriceps Taekwondo Stretch

This stretching exercise helps in stabilizing the quadriceps muscle that forms the front portion of thigh.


Kneel with left leg forward and right leg backward (Refer to the picture). Try to reach back in order to get a suitable grip on front side of back leg. Now, try to bend knee slowly while lifting the front foot from the ground. It should be lifted closer towards buttock. Lift until you feel stretch across front of thigh and hip. Remain in this position for 15 seconds and then release. Repeat the same with your other leg.

Repetitions: 5-6 per leg


Be absolutely careful while doing this stretching exercise. Don’t ever strain the knees. This may lead to some serious injury.

5.         Lying Quadriceps Taekwondo Stretch

This exercise is extremely beneficial in stretching the quads as well the buttocks.


Sit on floor mat with left leg bent before you. However, the right leg should be bent opposite to you. Lean to left on forearm while keeping the abs totally engaged. With the right hand, try to grab the top of right foot. Now, try to pull heel gently towards glutes This is done to stretch the muscles of front thigh. Remain in this position for 15 seconds. Then switch back to the other end.


Perform this stretching in an extremely slow manner. Performing this stretching in a faster way can lead to muscle pull and strain.

6.         Standing Quadriceps Taekwondo Stretch

This stretching exercise is great to flexible the quadriceps muscle.


Stand straight. Place your feet in a hip-width apart stance. Pull in your abdominal portion and then relax the shoulders. Then, bent your right leg. Try to bring the heel towards your buttock. Now, grasp right foot with you left hand. Once stretch is felt, pause for 5 seconds and return back to the starting position. Repeat the same procedure with left foot.

For those who find grasping right foot with left hand a much uncomfortable position, they can use right hand for the purpose.


Hold on to a wall or chair for balancing. Also, perform this workout in an extremely gentle manner. Or else, quads may get injured.

7.         Lunge Hip Flexor Taekwondo Stretch

This stretching workout targets two major muscle groups: Iliopsoas & Soleus.


Stand in a lunging position but this time, with right foot far behind the left foot and vice versa.

While keeping the rear leg hips in a straight position, squat downwards in a chest-high manner. rear hips should be pushed down and forward. Once in this stretched position, hold for three seconds. Return back to the starting position. Repeat with other leg.

Repetitions: 10 with each leg

Precaution: While performing this stretching workout, it is necessary to wear proper shoes. A little bit of careless act can lead to hurting the feet as well quads muscle.

8.         Kneeling Hip Flexor Taekwondo Stretch

This stretching workout targets the Iliopsoas, Gluteus Maximus, Adductor Magnus, and Soleus muscle group.


Stand in forward lunge position on a padded mat. Now, position the foot in such a manner that it remains beyond the forward knee. Hands need to be placed on the knee. While pushing the hips forward, try to straighten up the rear leg hip. As tension is experienced, take a brief pause for 5-6 seconds. Return back to the starting position. Repeat the same with other leg.

Repetitions: 10-12


Always perform this stretching exercise on a suitable rubber mat. This will protect the knees from any sudden injury and will also provide a suitable support to the feet.

9.         Taekwondo Pelvic Tilt


Lie done on your back. Knees should be in a bent position while feet firmly placed on floor. Now, try to tilt the pelvis with belly while trying to contract abdominal as well gluteus muscles. Try to squeeze for at least 15-seconds.

Next, perform this stretch with body in an opposite posture, facing the ground. Tilt your pelvis in other direction while arching back and creating hollowness between spine and ground. Try to squeeze for 10 seconds.

Repetitions: 10-12 in each position

Precaution: Form is necessary. Perform it in presence of a suitable instructor.

10.      Taekwondo Split

This is a very similar stretching workout when compared to seated hamstring stretch.


Sit on the floor with legs spread in opposite direction. Refer to the second image. Next, try to touch the toe f right leg with right hand fingers and left with left hand fingers.

Repetitions: 7

11.      Taekwondo Segmental Rotation

This is an effective exercise that helps in strengthening the core muscles of lower region.


Lie down on your back. Now, create right angles in between hips and knees. Tighten the abdominal muscles. Try to control on your breathing. Slowly try to move the legs to left while keeping shoulders on ground. Try to go only that much that you can able to. Unnecessary stretch is not required. While stretching, if there is a feel of pain, then you may have gone down too far. It’s not recommended. Don’t allow your feet to touch ground. It is the core region whose support needs to be take to hold feet. Hold for 7 seconds and then return back to the starting position. Repeat the same with legs moving towards the right position.

Zen thoughts for the day – “We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

So set aside some time in your already manic day for some Zen time to benefit you and your horse.





Oliver Townend says he’s got ‘the horse power and the support’ for his 2015 season – Good Luck Ollie


Oliver Townends’ interview with Lee Sobort, the equestrian correspondent for the Yorkshire post reassured his fans on his aims and ambitions for the 2014 event season following the serious injury to his shoulder at the end of 2013.  Then Townsend insisted its not ‘If’ its ‘When’ and to prove a point he has had a fantastic season clocking up some 480 rides and and 1556 points is the BE 2014 number 1 ranking rider and as if this is not enough he is also the FEI World Eventing Athlete Rankings number 4 and Eventing Zone Rankings number 3.!.

He says he’s “Got the horse power and the support” and is looking to adding millage to his horses in the 2015 season. He is confident of a good start on Armarda at Burgham at the end of March and is looking forward to a strong Badminton in May.

He is set to start his season with five rides at Aston-Le-Walls on the 1st of March so we all wish him the best for a successful 2015 season …. and his thousands of fans rooting far and beyond into the all important 2016 Event in Rio

His super converted dairy farm in Shropshire has everything on hand for training horses from his 46 box yard.  He always has stock for sale from young stock up to 3* and 4* horses.

Becoming one of Oliver Townends’ owners is a chance to become involved in an exciting sport following a top talented rider.   As an owner you can expect not only a very professional relationship but Townend aims to give his owners the best attention.  He says “Eventing is our business, but it should also be fun and we like to consider our owners as friends too”

HorseScout’s Update on Futurity Awards


Catherston Stud’s Timolin Scoops Futurity Award for the third time with the Billy Stud taking 3 young horse awards.

If you are looking for Stallions for this season take a look at Horse Scouts Stallion Page where you can find contact profiles for two dozen top class Sports Horse stallions including Timolin who stands at Catherston Stud and the “Billy” Stud too.

The 3 year Olds award went to Timolin, who was winning a Futurity award for the third time, bred by Aram Gregory, this colt is destined for a dressage and stud career, having recently been purchased by Catherston Stud. Other winners in the Futurity age awards are, Rosie Moreton-Deakin who picked up the foal award for breeding Fiderstar, a potential dressage prospect. Zoe Feeney collected the yearling award for Just Soda No Ice, a show jumping prospect. The two-year old award went to Summertime Blues bred by Lynne Crowden.

The Young Horse Awards for the three disciplines saw a range of breeders step forward to collect their awards and the Billy Stud collected the five year-old and seven year-old British Eventing Young Horse Breeders Medals On for Billy Walk On and Billy Cuckoo – and the five year-old showjumping award for Billy On Ice. Amongst the other winners was Sharon Bishop who now has three British Eventing Young Horse Breeders Medals as breeder of Parkfield Quintessential; the four year-old, five year-old and now six year-old winner of this prestigious award and River Rise Escarla took the five year-old dressage award, bred by Sarah Tyler Evans by the KWPN stallion Lord Leatherdale.



Dressage Stallion


Opposition Bombshell is a very eye-catching horse with tremendous presence, a beautiful head and next, and a good length of rein. His paces are bold, expressive, and off the ground. his temperament is superb. Unfortunately as a 4 year old Opposition Bombshell unjured himself in the field, so has not competed himself. His first crop of foals earned him 2nd Ranked Stallion from the BEF Futurity Eventing Section He has had four foals in 2012, 3 of whom were presented at the BEF Futurity Evaluations, all 3 were awarded Higher Firsts, which gained Opposition Bombshell 2nd in the Eventing Stallion Rankings. He is standing 3rd in the All Time Sire Component Rankings on the BEF Futurity List. Opposition Bombshell is a very eye catching horse with tremendous presence, a beautiful head and neck and a good length of rein. His paces are bold, expressive and off the ground. His temperament is superb. Unfortunately as a 4 year old Opposition Bombshell injured himself in the field so has not competed himself. He has had a few foals in 2012, 3 of whom were presented at the BEF Futurity Evaluations. All 3 were awarded Higher Firsts, which gained Opposition Bombshell 2nd in the Eventing Stallion Rankings.

Stallion at Stud


Honour Cruise combines an exceptional jumping technique with superb correct movement and conformation. He was selected by Oliver Townend and Nina Barbour from the 2009 Elite 3 yr old sale at Cavan. He combines the very best of Irish bloodlines and has the blood and quality needed to be a top-class athlete. Honour Cruise has a fantastic, trainable temperament. Jumped a double clear in his first event, a BE100, at the end of the 2012 season with Oliver Townend, finishing on his dressage score of 25. In 2013 Honour Cruise completed his first full season, finishing the season with a consistant record at Novice level. Finishing in the top ten on five occasions.

Timolin Stallion at Stud


All images of Timolin are courtesy of Kevin Sparrow. Catherston Stud is pleased to announce that the Champion SHB Stallion & Champion BEF Futurity Stallion TIMOLIIN is to remain in Great Britain. The family Loriston-Clarke and friends have managed to purchase this horse from his breeder and are very excited about producing him next year as a stallion and dressage horse. He has fantastic paces, a lovely temperament and loves jumping so is an ideal sire to breed quality dressage horses and eventers. His Sire, Totilas was World and European Dressage Champion, the first horse to win all three available gold medals at a World Equestrian Games in 2010. His name is legendary and was the first dressage horse to top 90% at Grand Prix level and at that time held 3 world record scores. His dam, the International Small Tour Dressage mare Samira, was ridden by Jane Gregory and is by the Dutch stallion Sion. Timolin was presented at the BEF Futurity as a yearling in 2012 where he was awarded the Overall highest score of all Dressage Yearlings with a score of 9.38. A very good Elite score. In 2013, as a two year old he was shown at both The Royal Bath & West Show and Devon County where he won his classes and was Sports Horse Champion at both shows. He also did the Futurity in 2013 where he was Reserve Overall Dressage Champion two year old with a score of 9.34. He was also graded as BWBS stallion this year. Last year, as a three year old he again was presented at the BEF Futurity where he was the Overall highest score of all dressage three year olds with a score of 9.43. This score of 9.43 is the highest score recorded so far ever for a three year old dressage horse and he has the highest scoring average of any horse or pony ever, presented at the Futurities three times. He also attended the Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain Stallion Grading where he was Graded and Champion. Timolin has 9 foals eagerly awaited in 2015 and some will probably be shown in Sport Horse Classes as foals.

Top Tips for Buying your First Horse


You’ve made up your mind,  you are going to buy a horse…

You know what your looking for; well roughly!  You are trying not to think of the cold winter rainy evenings and are focusing on the sunny balmy summer rides. You have sat down and done your sums and you have a budget and a sum you can ring fence every month to keep him and a savings account to pay into for emergencies and all those things you never thought that you would ever need.

Importantly you have worked out what size, shape, sex, ability, colour, age, confirmation, temperament, your budget and where you are going to look……yes! You have to know these things before you set out….well not the colour obviously because if you are thinking straight that is right sown at the bottom of your list –  NO? If it happens to be in your top three cross it out.  I promise colour is the least important thing on your shopping list, that and its name; although how many white socks it has and if it has a blaze can be important considerations-more on that later.

Where do I start? Top Technical Tips

Tipping the Scales – What size?

Lets work out roughly what size horse you are looking for –

  1. Add up the total weight of the horse, rider, and tack. Our eg: Horse (15.2 allrounder at 400 kg) + rider (Jo average 5’.4” and 70KG) + tack= 507kg (convert to lbs=1188lbs)
  2. Measure the circumference of the cannon bone midway between the knee and fetlock. Our example: 7.5 inches
  3. Divide the total weight by the circumference. Our example: 1188 / 7.5 = 158.4
  4. Divide the result by two. Our example: 158.4 / 2 = 79.2


You know exactly how tall you are and how much you weigh (methinks!) Here’s an average horse weight chart

Height (hh) Weight Range (kg)
9-9.3 – Shetland 200- 240
10-10.3 240-280
12 – 12.3 200-300
13-13.3 230-370
14-14.3 290-390
15-15.1 360-550
15.2-153 400-510
16-16.1 470-550
16.2-16.3 490-650
17.2-17.3 640-900
17.2-17.3 – Shire 850-950

…but…..and there is always a but! Some breeds have denser bones e.g. Arabs and Icelandic and New Forest Ponies which means they are able to carry heavier weights than others of a similar height and build.

Horses can be separated by build (height weight ratio) into light, middle and heavy weight and in the case of show horses “small” as well. This is not meant to be an indication of their present dieting regime but describes their build, and confusingly, this is relative to their breed types in most cases.  So, for instance, a light weight hunter (usually a ¾ or 7/8th Thoroughbred) is a well built, elegant horse of around 16-16.2hh capable of carrying around 12st.7lbs (177lbs/80kgs) including all tack and a bone size of around 8 inches. A middleweight hunter may be around 16.2hh, so slightly taller and have a deeper girth and a heavier build with a bone size of around 9 inches.

New Forest Pony breed guide says that a new forest is capable of carrying a stone for every hand and Shetlands are capable of an even greater height weight ratio.  However, if you are tall riding a small pony is not always very comfortable or elegant.

I think the point I am making is that TOP TIP One is buy a horse to make you happy and TOP TIP TWO is buy a horse that fits.  More pointers In TOP TIP THREE.



What’s the Problem?  


Are you struggling with the way your horse is going?

Frustrated when you compete and time and again the same things happen.  Is it your horse or is it you? Working alone and never seeming to make progress?: its like working in a vacuum.  Let someone take the pressure off you.  There is a saying that a problem shared is a problem halved and there is nothing truer in the horse world.  Having someone on the ground to analyse your riding style and approach and the way the horse is going under you is invaluable. Finding the right trainer will revolutionise your approach and your enjoyment of your horse.

 Horse Scout has just the person you are looking for.  Click through and find yourself on the road to a successful partnership…