Here is a question for you: Do you yearn to have the kind of relationships where you are listened to?
I was reading that a company called Horse Sense offers corporate and team training to help individuals understand the importance of communication with others. Its called Equine Assisted Education. It just makes so much sense.
Their strap line is “Do you wish people would do what you ask, when you ask? Are you a compelling leader, able to lead without force or manipulation? Ready for something different, that is fun and gets results that last?”
Like Becky who founded Horse Sense, I grew up with horses. Looking after them, learning to ride and handling horses formed a huge part of my childhood education. It wasn’t until I stepped into the working world I realised what an advantage they have given me in terms of people skills.
When you are working with your horse you are starting from a position of authority, personal discipline and consideration; you use your senses to read a situation. You respect your horse for himself, both as a partner in your enterprise and as an individual.
Understanding how crucial these skills are when handling your horse is one thing….but these skills are also relevant in the office place. Do you work from the same position as you enter the door to your office?
- Don’t invade personal space with out the go-ahead
- Don’t alarm your partner by squaring up to them
- Sit beside someone rather than opposite
- Keep your body language confident and relaxed
- Approach new things with quiet confidence
- Acknowledge progress
- Praise positives
- Never rush lunch