Want more double clears? Horse Scout Professional Didi Verdina explains how you can improve your jumping whatever your level. Keep these 6 top tips in your mind as a mental check list.
1. Always make sure the ‘engine is on’ first, ensure your horse is in front of your leg and responsive to your aids; a good way of obtaining this is by doing a lot of transitions. Don’t start jumping until you feel your horse is listening to you 100%.
2. Straightness is the essential. Make sure you sit up, with the horse’s neck in front of you, and not underneath you. Leaning forward is one of the most common reasons for not being able to keep your horse straight, push him forward and straight from your legs, keep his neck ‘channeled’ between your reins.
3. Riding your corners correctly is necessary to keep a good quality canter and straightness/direction. Make sure you support your horse with your outside aids so his shoulders won’t ‘fall out’ on the corner.
4. When approaching the fence, especially if you are a novice rider, don’t worry about the stride; if your horse has a good quality canter and he is straight the stride will be right, if not, the horse will help you out, provided you have helped him in between fences.
5. Don’t ever over ride your horse or pull back a few strides away from the fence. Once you have presented the fence to your horse it is too late for last minute adjustments. The best thing you can do is wait for the fence to come to you and help your horse by not moving on him, just keep your legs on.
6. Remember, your job is to ride your horse correctly in between fences and keep him straight and active, his job is jumping the jumps!
Thanks Didi.
Verdina Sports horses have three lovely horses listed on Horse Scouts For Sale pages. Check out Didi’s profile and her horses here. You will see she has made the most of her profile on Horse Scout. Listing her self as a professional trainer/coach; as a competition rider and also using horse scout to list three lovely horses they have for sale.
One, Fanna – a good looking Dutch Warm Blood 16.3hh mare. Good looking and very good mover. Everyone stops to look at her! She has the most level head and trainable attitude. Great canter for her age, balanced and very light in the mouth. She has the scope and the blood to go far in eventing. Fanna shares Stedinger in her pedigree with Woodcroft Silvermoon A smart black 4 year old gelding, 16.2hh. A super prospect that is ready to compete now at Novice level, training Elementary level established counter canter & finds lateral work easy. He has 3 quality paces, is a really kind natured horse that wants to please. He has wins & placings in young horse ability classes & ‘A’ level in Germany, he is FN registered. Silvermoon was Hanoverian Champion at a foal show in Germany,due to his lovely conformation & paces . Ready for 5 year old classes, A very impressive young horse that is sure to excel in the right hands.