An eye catching and coloured Dual Purpose performance stallion Samara Fly standing at Longacres Stud
Samara Flys’ credentials as a Dual Purpose Stallion
Samara Fly carries his 17.0hh with powerful athleticism. Owned by Mandy Sanderson, Samara Fly is a Dual Purpose Anglo European Registered Sports Horse with a passport full of ticks in the right boxes. His pedigree Sambertino KWPN (Samber ex Illustra), Dam: Annie XVIII SHB(GB) (Tullibards Shakespeare ex Grange Girl Pet) back up his performance potential..
However, its not just performance that matters to breeders and temperament is often key to stallion choice. This quiet, companionable and highly trainable stallion lives on a mixed yard and hacks out on the moors at home from the Longacres Stud.
His “clients” are obviously very happy with their offspring and this is more than backed up by the number of breeders posting up to Samara Flys’ “facebook” page. What has been very interesting is the obvious stamp of Samara Fly on his offspring: They do, to a man, seem to stand well on all four corners with good shape to their bodies and well set heads and necks. Interestingly, they are, bar a very few, all coloured and most carry the widened blaze over the nostrils. The over arching impression though is one of interest in the camera!! Something their father is not shy of either.
Samara Fly is fully graded with both CHAPS UK and ISPA (now LHI). The Irish Sports Horse grading thorough his dams line as well as a fully licensed stallion with the Zfdp (Zuchtverband fuer deutsche Pferde e. V.) where he was the youngest UK stallion, at the time, to receive this grading. His grandsire the Skewbald KWPN Samber was not only a very useful jumping horse but also a Grand Prix dressage horse.
In 2011 he received his full AES (Anglo European Studbook) grading as a Dressage Stallion. Indeed another first for this lovely coloured stallion.
Samara Fly is Dual Purpose in the Judges Eyes
His judges would, it seems agree with his usefulness as a dual purpose horse. In the same year he qualified for Badminton Young Dressage Horse gaining a 7th at the finals, he also qualified for, and made a good account of himself, in the Summer Regionals that year and qualified for the Pet Plan Medium following this up with a qualification for the Winter Regionals too.
He has started his jumping career under British Show Jumping with Sarah Lundy and has also made successful appearances in the show ring.
As a performance horse Samara Fly is working well, and above average for a horse of his age. Campaigned from Novice up to PSG by YGB rider Alex C Ingoe-Topham under Michael Eiberg since 2010. Michael has been a supporter of this horses career and who firmly believed that this lovely horse would go to Grand Prix (and I have no doubt he was right!) said;
“So much upward movement, the like I have never seen in a Coloured Horse ! …”He is the Coloured horse of the future…The one to Watch !!”
The ride is now with Hannah Doggett who has upped his game, and his success record since April this year. His results are nothing less than impressive. Competing at Advanced Medium and Prix Saint Georges he has taken a ribbon at every show so far with upwards of 665% at most outings and an impressive 67.3% at AM for the Summer Qualifier at Cockshot along with top slot on her other ride the Andalusian stallion Hortelano Cen in the Medium.
At the Hartpury Festival of Dressage Michael Eiberg must have been pleased to see Samara Fly with Hanna Hoggett in the Elite Stallion class where this young stallion performed well in a very strong field where the marks ranged from just touching 60 right up to the outstanding score by Micheal Eibergs’ ride with Woodlander Farouche at 0ver 77%.
Longacres Stud, who bred from Samara Fly as a 3 year old, have 33 of his progeny with the stud prefix Longacres. Samara fly has some 55 progeny now listed the first looking set to show the world how successful Samara Fly Progeny will be.
With his progeny featuring in the Futurity programs across all three disciplines he is proving himself a versatile performance improving dual purpose stallion and even only so few years in his ranking with BEF is already 7.77.