Kannan Offspring Molly Malone & Bertram Allen win Longines GP Lummen
Horse Scout has some fantastic stallions listed on its Stallion Profile pages and is proud to review the outstanding stallion Kannan and his world ranked offspring. Top international Grand Prix power jumper, and a mainstay of the French Super League winning teams of his time. He now produces huge numbers of international level jumpers. He also produces some good eventers. With progeny taking top honours he’s hugely popular with breeders.
The 2015 World Cup Finals in Las Vegas gave Kanan offspring a clean sweep of victories. Molly Malone ridden by 19 year old Bertram Allen (ranked #10) won the opening days speed leg followed on by Albfuehrens Paille and Steve Guerdat winning on day 2 and taking the overall lead. It was down to the final day to see if Kannans offspring could continue their dominance – They did not disappoint!
Albfuehrens Paille took top spot on the podium while Molly Malone finished third overall. These horses are at the top of their sport but they showed that fighting spirit that Kannan passes to so many of his offspring. They have the heart and a willingness to work with you. In modern day sport your horse must be the full package – Kannan proves yet again why he is World Number 1! Kannan is the 2011 WBFSH number 1 jumping stallion. WBFSH number 8 eventing stallion stands at stud for The Stallion Company in Rodez, France
This amazing dark bay KWPN / Dutch Warmblood Stallion is 16.3hh.Bred by G Kramer van de Meer, Kannan is a tall rangey Stallion. Kannan has power, movement and scope;a horse who stands out from the crowd with presence style and a confirmation that brings with it an easy and elastic balance. WBFSH Stallion Rankings #1 with 70 offspring with International ranking points with 2 in the top 100 and top ranked offspring on basis of international points won is Nino des Buissonnets (31st)
On Global Stallions his GF Germany Breeding Index for Jumping is SF +28 (.94) , KWPN 151 (.75) “His progeny are on course for the Olympics – a sure bet” Paul Schockemöhle in 2010 well he has certainly been proved right!
Kannan’s exemplary competition successes have included winning the Belgian Classic Circuit at the age of 6 in 1998, becoming 7 year old Belgian Champion in 1999. In 2000 Kannan made his International debut by finishing 5th in a Grand Prix. In 2003 Kannan won the Deauville Grand Prix and In 2004 Kannan won at Paris Bercy and Jardy as well as many other competition successes. He was a ragular member of the French Show Jumping Team which won the Samsung Super League in 2003 & 2004. In 2005 he became French National Champion.
The Stallion Company sell Kannan’s semen as live foal guarantee (The fee is 2050€ is + VAT @ 10%)
His progeny have proved immensely successful. One of the worlds top producers of showjumpers in recent years with a hugely impressive numbers of ranked progeny. Progeny include’ ‘Nino des Buissonnets’(Steve Guerdat) winner of the individual gold at the London Olympics 2012 and the sensation of the 2011-2012 world cup series, finishing 2nd in the qualifier at Stuttgart and 3rd in the qualifier at Lyon 2011 and going on to finish closely 2nd in the final in S. Hertogenbosch, was 2nd again the following year in Gothenburg and 5th in the final in Lyon 2014……, ‘Bridget’ (Bernardo Alves) indiv bronze medal and team silver at the 2011 Pan American Games, previously winner of the Monaco GCT GP, ‘Oh d’Eole’(Maclain Ward) winner of Palm Beach Grand Prix 2012 and with Ml Robert won the 4 star GP of Bourg en Bresse & 2nd in 4 star GP of Franconville 2013, ‘Molly Malone’ (Bertram Allen) in 2014 was 5th in 5 star GP of sHertogenbosch and in 2013 was 2nd individually in the European Junior Championships, won the 3 star GP of Leszno and 1m50 classes at 5 star Barcelona & Gijon, ‘Albfuehren’s Paille’ (Alesandra Fricker) in 5 star GPs was 4th in Rome CSIO & 6th in Basel, 4th in the 4 star GP of Braunschweig, 3rd in the 3 star GP of Hannover& won the 2 star GP of Ebreichsdorf all in 2013, ‘Quannan-R’ (Marc Bettinger) in 3 star GPs won at San Giovanni & 2nd Vilamoura,in 2014 while he won a 1m50 at 5 star Fontainebleau, ‘Kismet’ (Candice King), ‘Kavanagh IV’ (Matthew Sampson), ‘A Pikachu de Muze’(David McPherson) 6yr old world champion Lanaken 2006…. Continuously among the leading producers of good young showjumpers at the French young horse championships in Fontainebleau. Also ranked amongst the top producers of eventing horses in the world with 9 ranked progeny. To find out more about Kannan follow this link to his Stallion Profile on www.horsescout.co.uk/kannan