What is the perfect Mother Daughter Share?
“A perfect mother-daughter share is where my mother pays all the bills and does all the yard work, and I do all the riding. Sadly, my mother does not share my opinion….”
Mother Daughter shares can be the perfect set up and, actually, some mothers are happy with the above scenario! But mostly Mothers tend to want a bit more from the arrangement. After all it is Mothers who tend to do most of the donkey work because teenagers are, by rote, away at school and in the winter this means that bar the pair of luminous eyes caught in the beam of the head torch, they hardly get to see their horse during the winter!
Top Tips for Mother Daughter combinations:
This scenario assumes that the Daughter is a competent rider, perhaps this is the third or fourth horse she is looking to buy. She is competing perhaps in pony club teams or in intro affiliated classes or this is her aim with this next horse. Mother is experienced and has ridden possibly all her life, does not have any particular ambition to compete but is capable of hacking out and schooling and maybe even hunting. Other combinations of experience would need to adjust their top tens but the principals would probably be the same.
- Choose a gelding if possible, they tend to be more even in temperament and happy for anyone to do them (sweeping generalisation I know).
- Chose a height weight combination which will be comfortable for both parties to ride. Tricky if M&D are extremis! But usually there is a similarity in build) …. Yes I know another sweeping statement.
- Choose a temperament that will suit both parties. If one is a little nervous handling from the ground then find a horse which is rock steady to do, and not too big for the handler.
- If riding abilities are widely at odds then choose a horse which will suit the less able rider.
- On the other hand if the main rider (the one who will be doing most of the exercising) is the more competent and is able to school the horse regularly so it is quiet for the other rider this may work fine. With the combination the other way round its not going to work.
- Decide what the horse is going to be doing. However, for this combination an all rounder is a good idea offering versatility and therefore scope to have a go at most things.
- Have clearly defined responsibilities. Be realistic but also stick to your guns on who is doing what and when. This will keep the horse a truly M&D member of the family.
- Remember to appreciate each other and look for the positives of having the other person contribute to the training, husbandry and progress of the horse.
- Like sharing anything, this trio will work best when all parties are prepared to chip in, talk and look to progress.
- But mostly, Enjoy your horse, your time with him and your time with each other.
There are a number of all rounders advertised on Horse Scout Mountview Rosie, Sallybog Tim, Bolt Hero, By Jonkers Metyo, Emerald Skippy.