Picture Perfect Persiflage Elegant Bay Anglo Arab National Stallion Association Grade 1 Elite Performance Stallion 1st choice for quality breeding.
Persiflage, a stallion with the impressive and fluent movement of his famous sire Primitive Rising, who bred 96 Event Horses, as well as successful dressage and show jumping progeny, and whose line can be traced back to the Darley Arabian.
Persiflage has also inherited the undoubted elegance of his dams line the grace and agility of his dam’s family (including Tamarillo). Its interesting to note that the French and Trakhener stud books accept Arab bred horses in their stud books. The Arab crossing brings stamina, lightness of frame and toughness to a sporting or pleasure horse. Performance Arabs are an ideal cross with a variety of mares to bring that particular brave and honest approach to work that a proven performance Arab or Arab cross can.
Biddesdon Studs’ Persiflage has 60 points with British Eventing and £305 (£206 notional) with the BSJA. Persiflage is a keen and agile jumper. He has proved himself a consistent horse throughout his eventing career he has competed at CIC*** and regularly competes at Intermediate and Open Novice with Ruth Cuthbertson who has ridden him throughout his career. Persiflage also has winnings under BSJA rules.
Persiflage is suitable to sire Eventers and Endurance horses. He has been covering mares during his competition career and already has some impressive young stock to show for it.
And here are a few of them: Dunlewey Potentilla – A Connemara Cross has proved the perfect pony club pony with successes in team regionals, Halston Plantago and Halston Pimpernel ( both Novice Eventers) Dunlewey Pyrus (Young Horse evaluation Winner and now dressage team member) Holnest Mikado (In-hand Champion) Persiflage’s semen is available in the USA through EMCO Stallion Services.
Click here to view this Angelo Arab event stallion on Horse Scout
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