Vince is a modern dressage horse with an elegant self carriage, presence and grace. This gorgeous homozygous black warmblood stallion stands at 17hh. He is an eye catching stallion who exudes presence in the competitive arena. His progeny carry forwards this elegance and, being homozygous black, he breeds bay/black progeny. From Country Farm Studs, Vince had many successes as a young horse including winning or being placed in all the BD Young Horse Series tests (Shearwater, Rhinegold & Nuumed) qualifying him for the National BD Young Horse Championships.
Vince’s warmblood sire Gribaldi KWPN Keur stallion was ridden by Edward Gal to countless victories in the international arena and was a leading dressage sire. His sons include Panted Black, Anky Van Grunsvens ride, and another of Edward Gals rides Moorlands Totias (himself a world record holder). Gribladi had sired 10 licensed sons and became the #1 sire producing consistently high caliber offspring. Vince is an example of his Gribaldis’ quality stamp.
Vince has been consistently awarded impressive scores including 9 for his walk and high 8’s for his trot and canter. Judges described him as a very athletic, loose moving horse with three excellent gaits and strong presence.
His consistent good scores resulted in him being invited to the World Class Start & Potential selection day, to be assessed by a panel of experts including Emile Faurie and Carl Hester. Vince also has numerous wins at novice & elementary level with scores over 75%, and he has regularly qualified for the regional dressage championships. He has all the ingredients required to produce consistent results at advanced dressage competitions.
His progeny are still young but are certainly quality horses in their own right, and they have been given premium status by the Oldenburg Society.
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