Are you about to buy a horse? Horse Scouts’ Bloggers top tips for finding you a horse that can be your perfect partner.
You know what discipline you want your horse to excel in, show jumping, dressage, eventing or showing but one of the most important aspects of a horse you are looking after and riding is his temperament. For the average Jo its important that you actually like your horse…..not just love what he does!
So here is Horse Scouts Bloggers “Top Temperament Check List”
Assessing your potential purchase’s personality and behaviour is something you should do as well as having him vetted, not instead of.
When speaking to the vendor have a list of questions ready. It is far better for you both to establish with the vendor exactly what you are looking for and what areas of ease of handling are important to you. Horse Scout has a quality list of professional horse dealers and trainers, they know their job and, at the end of the day, do not want to sell you a horse which is unsuitable.
So write down, in five clear areas, in the order of importance to you the horses behavior:
1. Behaviour around other horses
2. Behaviour when interacting with you and other people
3. Behaviour when in his stable, yard, paddock and strange environment
4. Behaviour when loading
5. Behaviour when mounting and when being ridden
When you go and see the horse and observe him note how he is in each of these areas and if you have doubts be prepared to ask further questions, the inside knowledge of the current owner will help you clarify things which may be worrying you .
Other considerations when buying your horse:
Have you really carried out all the checks necessary to make sure he is the best horse for you and your discipline?
You may have decided that you want a show jumper, an eventer or simply a horse that you can enjoy hacking out on. No matter what your aspirations are, it is essential that you do more than just ensure the horse is up to doing the physical job required of him.
Regardless of how talented a horse is physically, if he has behavioural issues, such as bullying or is difficult to be handled whether that be by you, a farrier or even the dentist – the relationship can turn sour very quickly. You may even find that your colleagues at the yard start too resent him being around – and instead of having a horse you can enjoy, you find yourself having to deal with problems on a daily basis.
Behavioural problems can manifest, becoming so severe that to solve them you have to get the assistance of a professional trainer whose specialty is rehabilitation.
Visit the horse at his existing home more than once – although going only once or twice will not give you the time to gain a complete picture and insight into his personality and behavior, if you zone in on his attitude it will give an indication of how he is going to be with you.
Horse Scouts Professional horse dealers are experienced horse’men who know their job and want to make sure you find the right horse for you. So be honest with the vendor about your abilities, what you want to do with the horse and your experience. It would also be helpful if you where able to tell them something of your training routine and whether this included lessons with a professional trainer etc. All this helps the trader find you the perfect horse.