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Photo -  Hazel Jackson

Hazel Jackson - Sway, Hampshire

Professional Competition Riders

General Information

Name Hazel Jackson
Gender Female
Location Sway Hampshire
Nationality British
Languages British




Horse Scout Polo advocate

Rank 2 in the world 2018

Playing in over 8 countries per year

Instagram: @hazel8jackson. 

Hazel Jackson is managed by Horse Scout PR.


Professional Rider

Years of experience 19
Training prices and locations 8 goals in Ladies Polo 2 goals in Mixed Polo I have a very good string of horses and able to travel all over the Uk ... Always willing to travel to play abroad when my expenses and pro fees are covered .. For prices, please e-mail me : Half teams are always a possibility.
Upcoming competitions King Power Ladies tournament, Thailand: 5-11th February Pink Power, Thailand: Feb 28th- 3rd March Apes Hill Ladies tournament, Barbados: 23rd-29th April May 1st: English season begins... Guards Ladies Charity Polo - 21st August - Saturday 1st September
Owners and sponsors @akumapolo- Custom designed Kit and training equipment for players and horses, including incredible playing shirts. @onapolo- Providing the best polo gloves on the market, used by many high goal players. White jeans- latest technology used to create the most unreal fabrics for comfort, elasticity and grip on the saddle. Plus odour free elbow pads. #addingperformancetoyourgame @armispolo- Armis Polo is an independent studio designing fully customisable and bespoke polo helmets certified
