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WBFSH members
AAFE - Asociación Argentina de Fomento Equino
AACCP - The Argentinian Polo Breeder’s Association
ACE - Australian Warmblood ACE Studbook
APH - Australian Performance Horses
AWHA - Australian Warmblood Horse Association
HHAANZ - Holsteiner Horse Association of Australia and New Zealand
HHSA - Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia
AWÖ - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Warmblutzucht in Österreich
APH - Studbook Austrian Performance Horses
HAA - The Holsteiner Association of Australia ZAP
NWHBSF - New World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation
ABCHR - American Bashkir Curly Registry
ACPS -American Connemara Pony Society
AFH - American Haflinger Registry
AHS - American Hanoverian Society
AHHA - American Holsteiner Horse Association
AHS - American Hanoverian Association
AMHA - American Morgan Horse Association, Inc.
APHA(Paint) - American Paint Horse Association
APHA(Polo) - American Polo Horse Association
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association
ASHA - American Saddlebred Horse Association
ASPAC - American Shetland Pony Club
ASHA - American Shire Horse Association
ATA - American Trakehner Association, Inc.
AWR - American Warmblood Registry, Inc.
AWS - American Warmblood Society
ApHC - Appaloosa Horse Club
AHRA - Arabian Horse Registry of America, Inc.
BWP/NAD - Belgian Warmblood Breeding Association/North American District
DPRA - Dartmoor Pony Registry of America
NA/WPN - Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North America,
FHANA - Friesian Horse Association of North America
FHS-US - Friesian Horse Society (FHS)
GRA-NA - Gotland-Russ Association of North America, Inc.
IDHSNA - Irish Draught Horse Society of North America
IHB -US - The Irish Horse Board (Irish Sport Horse Studbook)
TJC - The Jockey Club
LANA - Lipizzana Association of North America
MA-SPR - Mid-America Sporthorse Association
NAWPN - The Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North America
NSHR - National Show Horse Registry
NFHA - Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
OHBA-NA - Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society
ISR-OLD (NA) - International Sporthorse Registry, Inc. & Oldenburg Registry North America
PHA - Palomino Horse Association
PHBA - Palomino Horse Breeders of America
PHRI - Pintbian Horse registry Inc
POAC - Pony of the Americas Club, Inc.
USKWPN - Royal Dutch Warmblood Studbook
SCSBA - South Central Sporthorse Breeders Association
SWANA - Swedish Warmblood Association of North America
USLR -United States Lipizzana Registry
USPC- United States Pony Club
WPCSA - Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America, Inc.
BWP - Belgian Warmblood Horse Studbook
FBBD - Flemish Breeders of the Belgian Draft Horse
SBS - Stud-book sBs, le Cheval de Sport Belge
SRCTB - Société Royale Le Cheval de Trait Belge
sBs - Belgian Sports Horse - Le Cheval de Sport Belge
ZANG - Studbook Zangersheide
ANK/EBHA - East Bulgarian Horse Association
BSHA - Bulgarian Sport Horse Association
ABCCH - Associação Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
ABCCRM - Mangalarga Marchador
ABPSL - Associação Brasileira De Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano
B-H - Associação Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
Bras-H - Associação Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
CSHA - Canadian Sport Horse Association
CWHBA - Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association
CABSH - Croatian Association of Breeders of Sport Horses
ACHPAK - Czech Association Purebred Arabian horses
CZEWB - Union of Czech Warmblood Breeders
DWB - Danish Warmblood Society
TAF- Trakehner Avlsforbundet i Danmark
ESHB - Estonian Horse Breeders Society
FWB - Finnish Horse Breeding Association
Suomen Hippos - Finnish Trotting and Breeding Association
ANAA - Association Nationale Anglo-Arabe
AN-SF - Association Nationale du Selle Français
HN - Les Haras Nationaux
BAVAR - Belgian Warmblood - Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V.
BWUR/BAD-WÜ - Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Wurttemberg
BRAND - Landespferdezuchtverband Berlin-Bandenburg
DSP - Various smaller german stud books approved under the brand DSP by WBSFH
HANN - Verband hannoverscher Warmblutzuchter
HESS - Verband Hessischer Pferdezuchter
HOLST - Verband der Zuchter des Holsteiner Pferdes
IOS - Internationales Oldenburger Springpferd
LBPev - Landesverban Bayerischer Warmblut - Bavarian Warmblood
MECKL - Mecklenburger - Verband der Pferdezüchter Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
OLDBG - Verband der Zuchter des Oldenburger Pferdes
RHEIN - Rheinländer - Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch
RPS - Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar
SA - Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Anhalt
SACHS - Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen e.v.
SCSL - Stud-book de Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois
THU - Verband der Thüringen Pferdezüchter
TRAK - Trakehner Verband e.v.
UNIRE - Unione Nazionale Incremento Razze Equine
WESTF - Westfalen - Westfalisches Pferdestammbuch
VZAP - (Arabs) Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Arabischen Pferdes e.V.
VNP - Verband Niederösterrichischer Pferdezüchter
ZANG - Stud-book Zangersheide
ZfdP - Zuchtverband fuer deutsche Pferde e. v.
ZVDP - Zuchtverband für Deutsche Pferde e.v.
ZWEIB - Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.v.
Furioso-North Star Horse-Breeding National Association
HSHBA - Hungarian Sport Horse Breeders Association
KFH - Kisbéri-Félvér Horse
MSLT - Hungarian Sport Horse Breeders Association
SHAHB - Society of the Hungarian Arabian Horse Breeders
International Stud Books
IAHA - International registry studbook Andalusians and Lusitanos
IAHA - International Arabian Horse Association/Half-Arabian & Anglo-Arabian Registries
IBHA - International Buckskin Horse Association
ICHO/NACHR - International American Curly Horse Stud Book
ICHSB - The International Caspian Stud Book
IFHA - International Federation of Horseracing Authorities
IWR - Iberian Warmblood Registry International
MAAK International Association of Akhal-Teke Breeding (UK)
NWHBSF - New World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation
WAHO - World Arabian Horse Organisation
IOS - Internationales Oldenburger Springpferd
CCPCT - The Kerry Bog Pony Cooperative Society
CPBS - Connemara Pony Breeding Society
HSI - Irish Draught Horse stud Book
IHB - Irish Horse Board
ISH -Irish Sports Horse
WBSI - Warmblood Studbook Ireland
ACSI - Associazione Cavallo Sella Sportivo Italiano
UNIRE - Unione Nazionale per l'Incremento delle Razze Equine (U.N.I.R.E.)
MIPAAF - Italian Sport Horse Stud Book
LSZAA- Latvian Horse Breeders Association
SCLSL - Stud-Book du Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois
CCDM - Criadores de Caballos Deportivos Mexicanos
NRPS - Dutch riding Pony - Nederlands Rijpaarden en Pony Stamboek
KWPN - Royal Dutch Sports Horse
NWB - Norwegian Warmblood Association
NFHR - Norwegian Fjord Horse (International)
Imno Shetlands - Polish Shetland Association
PBAAH - Polish Breeders Association of Arabian Horses
PHBA/PZHK - Polish Horse Breeders Association
Polish Jockey Club
PTA- Polish Trakehner Association
WLKP - Wielkopolska Horse
MH - Malopolska Horse
SP - Polish Halfbred Horse
śl - Silesian Horse
Z - Polish Coldblood Horse
KN - Polish Konik
HC - Hucul Horse
KUC - Polish Pony
APSL - Associação Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano
APRC - Associação Portuguesa De Criadores de Racas Selecta
HUCUL - Hucul pony (Hucul, Huculský kôň)
SSP - Slovak sport pony (Slovenský športový pony)
ZRSTK/ST - Solvenian Warmblood Horse Association
SAWHSS - South African Warmblood Horse Society
AAFE - Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino
ANCADES - Asociación Nacional del Caballo de Deporte Español
ANCCE - Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española
ACPCRM - Menorca Horse Breeders Association
Cdesp - Caballo de Deporte Espanol
LA - Spanish Sports Horse - Studbook La Silla
P.R.E. - Pura Raza Español
SCC - Servicio de Cria Caballar - National Breeding Authority of Spain
AHCS - Appaloosa Horse Club Sweden
ASR -Avelsföreningen för Svensk Ridponny
ASVT - Avelsföreningen för Svenska Varmblodiga Travhästen
ASA - Avelsföreningen Svenska Ardennerhästen
ASNSH - Breeding Association of North Swedish Horses
SFV - Der Schweizerischen Freibergerverband - Freiberger Stud-Book
SWB/ZVCH/ASVH- The Swedish Warmblood Association
CH - Swiss Warmblood
CS - Cheval Suisse
ZAM - Zuchtverband für Angloaraber und Araber Kreuzungen Schweiz
ZVCH - Zuchtverband CH-Sportpferde
HGP - Groningen horses
KWPN - Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands
NRPS - Dutch Riding Horse and Pony Studbook
FHANA - Friesian Horse Association
AA - Anglo Arab
AES - Anglo European Stud Book
AHS - Arab Horse Society
APSL - Associação Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano
ApHC UK - The Appaloosa Horse Club UK
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association
ASHA - American Saddlebred Association
BAS - British Appaloosa Society
BAPSH Ltd -The British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse Ltd
BCPS - The British Connemara Pony Society
BHHS - British Hanoverian Horse Society
BMHS - British Miniature Horse Society
BPHS - British Percheron Horse Society
WBS UK - British Warmblood Society
BSHR - British Sports Horse Register
BWBS - British Warm-Blood Breeders Studbook Society
CHCA- Caspian Horse Society of the Americas
CBHS - Cleveland bay Horse Society
DPS - Dartmoor Pony Society
DPS - Dales Pony Society
EPS - Exmoor Pony Society
FHNSA-GB - The Fjord Horse National Studbook Association of Great Britain
HHA/RBST - The Hackney Horse Society and Stud Book
HPS - Highland Pony Society
HS-GB - Haflingers GB
HSH - Shore Horse Society
HWBA - Hanoverian Warmblood Breeders’ Association
IDHS(GB) - Irish Sports Horse Society of Great Britain
IHSGB - Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain
KFPS - Friesian Horse Stud Book
NFPBCS – New Forest Pony and cattle Breeding Society
NPS - National Pony Society
NPS-GB - The Newfoundland Pony Society GB
NSA-(GB) - National Stallion Association
PEPS - Eriskay Pony Studbook
PSB - Polo Pony Studbook UK
RPSBS - Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd
SDWA - Scottish Dutch Warmblood Association
SHB GB - Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain
SHS - Shire Horse Society
SHSSB - Suffolk (Punch) Horse Society Stud Book
SPSBS - Shetland Pony Stud Book Society
SPSS - Sports Pony Studbook Society
TB - Weatherbys - The Jockey Club (UK)
TBF - The Trakehner Breeders' Fraternity
WBS UK - Warmblood Breeders Studbook UK
WBFSH - World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses
WPCS - Welsh Pony and Cob stud Book
Members Studbook
AAFE - Asociación Argentina de Fomento Equino
AACCP - The Argentinian Polo Breeder’s Association
ACE - Australian Warmblood ACE Studbook
APH - Australian Performance Horses
AWHA - Australian Warmblood Horse Association
HHAANZ - Holsteiner Horse Association of Australia and New Zealand
HHSA - Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia
AWÖ - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Warmblutzucht in Österreich
APH - Studbook Austrian Performance Horses
HAA - The Holsteiner Association of Australia ZAP
NWHBSF - New World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation
ABCHR - American Bashkir Curly Registry
ACPS -American Connemara Pony Society
AFH - American Haflinger Registry
AHS - American Hanoverian Society
AHHA - American Holsteiner Horse Association
AHS - American Hanoverian Association
AMHA - American Morgan Horse Association, Inc.
APHA(Paint) - American Paint Horse Association
APHA(Polo) - American Polo Horse Association
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association
ASHA - American Saddlebred Horse Association
ASPAC - American Shetland Pony Club
ASHA - American Shire Horse Association
ATA - American Trakehner Association, Inc.
AWR - American Warmblood Registry, Inc.
AWS - American Warmblood Society
ApHC - Appaloosa Horse Club
AHRA - Arabian Horse Registry of America, Inc.
BWP/NAD - Belgian Warmblood Breeding Association/North American District
DPRA - Dartmoor Pony Registry of America
NA/WPN - Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North America,
FHANA - Friesian Horse Association of North America
FHS-US - Friesian Horse Society (FHS)
GRA-NA - Gotland-Russ Association of North America, Inc.
IDHSNA - Irish Draught Horse Society of North America
IHB -US - The Irish Horse Board (Irish Sport Horse Studbook)
TJC - The Jockey Club
LANA - Lipizzana Association of North America
MA-SPR - Mid-America Sporthorse Association
NAWPN - The Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North America
NSHR - National Show Horse Registry
NFHA - Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
OHBA-NA - Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society
ISR-OLD (NA) - International Sporthorse Registry, Inc. & Oldenburg Registry North America
PHA - Palomino Horse Association
PHBA - Palomino Horse Breeders of America
PHRI - Pintbian Horse registry Inc
POAC - Pony of the Americas Club, Inc.
USKWPN - Royal Dutch Warmblood Studbook
SCSBA - South Central Sporthorse Breeders Association
SWANA - Swedish Warmblood Association of North America
USLR -United States Lipizzana Registry
USPC- United States Pony Club
WPCSA - Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America, Inc.
BWP - Belgian Warmblood Horse Studbook
FBBD - Flemish Breeders of the Belgian Draft Horse
SBS - Stud-book sBs, le Cheval de Sport Belge
SRCTB - Société Royale Le Cheval de Trait Belge
sBs - Belgian Sports Horse - Le Cheval de Sport Belge
ZANG - Studbook Zangersheide
ANK/EBHA - East Bulgarian Horse Association
BSHA - Bulgarian Sport Horse Association
ABCCH - Associação Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
ABCCRM - Mangalarga Marchador
ABPSL - Associação Brasileira De Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano
B-H - Associação Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
Bras-H - Associação Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo
CSHA - Canadian Sport Horse Association
CWHBA - Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association
CABSH - Croatian Association of Breeders of Sport Horses
ACHPAK - Czech Association Purebred Arabian horses
CZEWB - Union of Czech Warmblood Breeders
DWB - Danish Warmblood Society
TAF- Trakehner Avlsforbundet i Danmark
ESHB - Estonian Horse Breeders Society
FWB - Finnish Horse Breeding Association
Suomen Hippos - Finnish Trotting and Breeding Association
ANAA - Association Nationale Anglo-Arabe
AN-SF - Association Nationale du Selle Français
HN - Les Haras Nationaux
BAVAR - Belgian Warmblood - Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V.
BWUR/BAD-WÜ - Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Wurttemberg
BRAND - Landespferdezuchtverband Berlin-Bandenburg
DSP - Various smaller german stud books approved under the brand DSP by WBSFH
HANN - Verband hannoverscher Warmblutzuchter
HESS - Verband Hessischer Pferdezuchter
HOLST - Verband der Zuchter des Holsteiner Pferdes
IOS - Internationales Oldenburger Springpferd
LBPev - Landesverban Bayerischer Warmblut - Bavarian Warmblood
MECKL - Mecklenburger - Verband der Pferdezüchter Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
OLDBG - Verband der Zuchter des Oldenburger Pferdes
RHEIN - Rheinländer - Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch
RPS - Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar
SA - Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Anhalt
SACHS - Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen e.v.
SCSL - Stud-book de Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois
THU - Verband der Thüringen Pferdezüchter
TRAK - Trakehner Verband e.v.
UNIRE - Unione Nazionale Incremento Razze Equine
WESTF - Westfalen - Westfalisches Pferdestammbuch
VZAP - (Arabs) Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Arabischen Pferdes e.V.
VNP - Verband Niederösterrichischer Pferdezüchter
ZANG - Stud-book Zangersheide
ZfdP - Zuchtverband fuer deutsche Pferde e. v.
ZVDP - Zuchtverband für Deutsche Pferde e.v.
ZWEIB - Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.v.
Furioso-North Star Horse-Breeding National Association
HSHBA - Hungarian Sport Horse Breeders Association
KFH - Kisbéri-Félvér Horse
MSLT - Hungarian Sport Horse Breeders Association
SHAHB - Society of the Hungarian Arabian Horse Breeders
International Stud Books
IAHA - International registry studbook Andalusians and Lusitanos
IAHA - International Arabian Horse Association/Half-Arabian & Anglo-Arabian Registries
IBHA - International Buckskin Horse Association
ICHO/NACHR - International American Curly Horse Stud Book
ICHSB - The International Caspian Stud Book
IFHA - International Federation of Horseracing Authorities
IWR - Iberian Warmblood Registry International
MAAK International Association of Akhal-Teke Breeding (UK)
NWHBSF - New World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation
WAHO - World Arabian Horse Organisation
IOS - Internationales Oldenburger Springpferd
CCPCT - The Kerry Bog Pony Cooperative Society
CPBS - Connemara Pony Breeding Society
HSI - Irish Draught Horse stud Book
IHB - Irish Horse Board
ISH -Irish Sports Horse
WBSI - Warmblood Studbook Ireland
ACSI - Associazione Cavallo Sella Sportivo Italiano
UNIRE - Unione Nazionale per l'Incremento delle Razze Equine (U.N.I.R.E.)
MIPAAF - Italian Sport Horse Stud Book
LSZAA- Latvian Horse Breeders Association
SCLSL - Stud-Book du Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois
CCDM - Criadores de Caballos Deportivos Mexicanos
NRPS - Dutch riding Pony - Nederlands Rijpaarden en Pony Stamboek
KWPN - Royal Dutch Sports Horse
NWB - Norwegian Warmblood Association
NFHR - Norwegian Fjord Horse (International)
Imno Shetlands - Polish Shetland Association
PBAAH - Polish Breeders Association of Arabian Horses
PHBA/PZHK - Polish Horse Breeders Association
Polish Jockey Club
PTA- Polish Trakehner Association
WLKP - Wielkopolska Horse
MH - Malopolska Horse
SP - Polish Halfbred Horse
śl - Silesian Horse
Z - Polish Coldblood Horse
KN - Polish Konik
HC - Hucul Horse
KUC - Polish Pony
APSL - Associação Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano
APRC - Associação Portuguesa De Criadores de Racas Selecta
HUCUL - Hucul pony (Hucul, Huculský kôň)
SSP - Slovak sport pony (Slovenský športový pony)
ZRSTK/ST - Solvenian Warmblood Horse Association
SAWHSS - South African Warmblood Horse Society
AAFE - Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino
ANCADES - Asociación Nacional del Caballo de Deporte Español
ANCCE - Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española
ACPCRM - Menorca Horse Breeders Association
Cdesp - Caballo de Deporte Espanol
LA - Spanish Sports Horse - Studbook La Silla
P.R.E. - Pura Raza Español
SCC - Servicio de Cria Caballar - National Breeding Authority of Spain
AHCS - Appaloosa Horse Club Sweden
ASR -Avelsföreningen för Svensk Ridponny
ASVT - Avelsföreningen för Svenska Varmblodiga Travhästen
ASA - Avelsföreningen Svenska Ardennerhästen
ASNSH - Breeding Association of North Swedish Horses
SFV - Der Schweizerischen Freibergerverband - Freiberger Stud-Book
SWB/ZVCH/ASVH- The Swedish Warmblood Association
CH - Swiss Warmblood
CS - Cheval Suisse
ZAM - Zuchtverband für Angloaraber und Araber Kreuzungen Schweiz
ZVCH - Zuchtverband CH-Sportpferde
HGP - Groningen horses
KWPN - Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands
NRPS - Dutch Riding Horse and Pony Studbook
FHANA - Friesian Horse Association
AA - Anglo Arab
AES - Anglo European Stud Book
AHS - Arab Horse Society
APSL - Associação Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano
ApHC UK - The Appaloosa Horse Club UK
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association
ASHA - American Saddlebred Association
BAS - British Appaloosa Society
BAPSH Ltd -The British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse Ltd
BCPS - The British Connemara Pony Society
BHHS - British Hanoverian Horse Society
BMHS - British Miniature Horse Society
BPHS - British Percheron Horse Society
WBS UK - British Warmblood Society
BSHR - British Sports Horse Register
BWBS - British Warm-Blood Breeders Studbook Society
CHCA- Caspian Horse Society of the Americas
CBHS - Cleveland bay Horse Society
DPS - Dartmoor Pony Society
DPS - Dales Pony Society
EPS - Exmoor Pony Society
FHNSA-GB - The Fjord Horse National Studbook Association of Great Britain
HHA/RBST - The Hackney Horse Society and Stud Book
HPS - Highland Pony Society
HS-GB - Haflingers GB
HSH - Shore Horse Society
HWBA - Hanoverian Warmblood Breeders’ Association
IDHS(GB) - Irish Sports Horse Society of Great Britain
IHSGB - Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain
KFPS - Friesian Horse Stud Book
NFPBCS – New Forest Pony and cattle Breeding Society
NPS - National Pony Society
NPS-GB - The Newfoundland Pony Society GB
NSA-(GB) - National Stallion Association
PEPS - Eriskay Pony Studbook
PSB - Polo Pony Studbook UK
RPSBS - Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd
SDWA - Scottish Dutch Warmblood Association
SHB GB - Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain
SHS - Shire Horse Society
SHSSB - Suffolk (Punch) Horse Society Stud Book
SPSBS - Shetland Pony Stud Book Society
SPSS - Sports Pony Studbook Society
TB - Weatherbys - The Jockey Club (UK)
TBF - The Trakehner Breeders' Fraternity
WBS UK - Warmblood Breeders Studbook UK
WBFSH - World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses
WPCS - Welsh Pony and Cob stud Book
Height Range From
Any Height
10.0 (101.60 cm)
10.1 (104.14 cm)
10.2 (106.68 cm)
10.3 (109.22 cm)
11.0 (111.76 cm)
11.1 (114.30 cm)
11.2 (116.84 cm)
11.3 (119.38 cm)
12.0 (121.92 cm)
12.1 (124.46 cm)
12.2 (127.00 cm)
12.3 (129.54 cm)
13.0 (132.08 cm)
13.1 (134.62 cm)
13.2 (137.16 cm)
13.3 (139.70 cm)
14.0 (142.24 cm)
14.1 (144.78 cm)
14.2 (147.32 cm)
14.3 (149.86 cm)
15.0 (152.40 cm)
15.1 (154.94 cm)
15.2 (157.48 cm)
15.3 (160.02 cm)
16.0 (162.56 cm)
16.1 (165.10 cm)
16.2 (167.64 cm)
16.3 (170.18 cm)
17.0 (172.72 cm)
17.1 (175.26 cm)
17.2 (177.80 cm)
17.3 (180.34 cm)
18.0 (182.88 cm)
18.1 (183.89 cm)
Height Range To
Any Height
10.0 (101.60 cm)
10.1 (104.14 cm)
10.2 (106.68 cm)
10.3 (109.22 cm)
11.0 (111.76 cm)
11.1 (114.30 cm)
11.2 (116.84 cm)
11.3 (119.38 cm)
12.0 (121.92 cm)
12.1 (124.46 cm)
12.2 (127.00 cm)
12.3 (129.54 cm)
13.0 (132.08 cm)
13.1 (134.62 cm)
13.2 (137.16 cm)
13.3 (139.70 cm)
14.0 (142.24 cm)
14.1 (144.78 cm)
14.2 (147.32 cm)
14.3 (149.86 cm)
15.0 (152.40 cm)
15.1 (154.94 cm)
15.2 (157.48 cm)
15.3 (160.02 cm)
16.0 (162.56 cm)
16.1 (165.10 cm)
16.2 (167.64 cm)
16.3 (170.18 cm)
17.0 (172.72 cm)
17.1 (175.26 cm)
17.2 (177.80 cm)
17.3 (180.34 cm)
18.0 (182.88 cm)
18.1 (183.89 cm)
Pure/Part Breed
Pure Breed
Part Breed
Second Breed
American Paint
American Quarter Horse
Anglo Arab
Anglo European
Arab (Part Bred)
Belgian Warmblood
Belgium Draught
Breeders Elite SIES
British Riding Pony
British Sports Horse
British Warmblood
Cleveland Bay
Connemara X
Crabbet Arabian
Danish Warmblood
Dutch warmblood
Few Spot Knabstrupper
German Riding Pony
German Warmblood
Hungarian Warmblood
Irish Draught
Irish Draught X
Irish Sports
KWPN / Dutch Warmblood
Mixed Blood Sports
New Forest
New Forest X
Part Bred Arab
Part Trakehner
Polo Pony
Pure Bred Leopard Spotted Apaaloosa
Riding Pony
Scottish Sports Horse
Selle Francais
Selle Italiano
Sports Pony
Sports Pony
Standard Bred
Suffolk Punch
Swedish Warmblood
Thoroughbred Cross
Thoroughbred X
Trade Britain
Unknown / Other
Warmblood X
Welsh Cob
Welsh Sec A
Welsh Sec B
Welsh Sec C
Welsh Section D
Welsh X
Welsh X
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